Yes, ADAE offers a worldwide free premium air shipping into your doorstep. Therefore, no shipping fee added during the checking out. Click here for more details about ADAE shipping service
1-After you place an order, it usually will take 7-14 days for the purchased item to arrive your doorstep. You will receive a confirmation E-mail with your order number. Our service will E-mail you the tracking number of your parcel as soon as we get the update from the shipping courier. Upon the arrival of your parcel, the shipping courier will contact you to arrange for delivery.You can also track the status of your order at ADAE Smart Order Tracking System.
2-Kindly notice, that ADAE store always uses premium air shipping couriers as DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, ARAMEX, EMS to insure a fast and safe delivery of your purchased items.
Kindly notice, that ADAE store always uses premium air shipping couriers as DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, ARAMEX, EMS to insure a fast and safe delivery of your purchased items into your door step. Click here for more details about ADAE shipping service.
Yes, All the products at ADAE store are covered with an international warranty. The period of the warranty is mentioned in the page of the item description. Click here for more details about ADAE International warranty policy
If your purchased item is out of the warranty period, then you can report the issue to us and our ADAE service will help you to fix it according to an amount of fee that our technical department will decide based on the issue. Click here more details about ADAE warranty policy.
Yes, any item purchased from ADAE online official store, will be fully covered with a life long technical support. Click here for more details about ADAE International Warranty Policy.
Placing your order with ADAE store is very easy process and our payment method is highly secured and fully supported by PayPal Official Payment Get-way.
Kindly notice that having PayPal account is not necessary, as ADAE is also supporting the payment by Credit, Debit, Visa, Master cards. Click here for more details on how to place an order at ADAE store.
Placing your order with ADAE store is very easy process and our payment method is highly secured and fully supported by PayPal Official Payment Get-way.
Kindly notice that having PayPal account is not necessary, as ADAE is also supporting the payment by Credit, Debit, Visa, Master cards.
Upon placing your order, you will received an automatic email from our ADAE store with your order number and details. ADAE Sales Department staff will email you an official invoice of your purchased items within 24 hours of placing your order.
Afterwards our Packaging Department staff shall start the process of collecting your order and forwarding it into our shipping experts. Our service shall email you the tracking number of your order as soon as your purchased items picked up by the shipper and issued an official tracking number.
If you have a problem with placing your order, then kindly contact us and our online service staff shall help you accordingly. Click here for more details
Yes, If you are interested to purchase any of our dental products with wholesale quantity then, you need to submit the wholesale inquiry form and ADAE sales department will update you with a quotation based on the quantity of that item that you are willing to purchase. Please click here to view ADAE wholesale inquiry form.