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Everything feels well made, you know it just has a good feel to it.
The controls are easy to use and everything was responsive.
The motor has a good sound to it, you can see it is not stressing at all.
The hand held unit was well thought out and fits the hand good.
It works just as well as my older expensive apex locator. I like this one better because it is lighter in weight. Very pleased.
Top quality endomotor and arrived on time
This endomotor is perfect for me, and I am very confident about COXO.
Product works well, i've used it in several treatments and its precise and still working fine
My initial tests are very promising! It works perfectly and stays cool. The precision in speeds and tuning have proven very easy to use so far and the pedal response is superb
Amazing product. Love the feel and grip
5.0 out of 5 stars. This unit comes in a plain cardboard box and is very easy to set up and use
As it's stands, it's a wonderful asset to the clinic.
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